Why Power Flower? What is Stella Metaflortex Pinealis? David Wilcock explains in:
The 2012 Enigma
need for powerflowers now!!!
beautifull documentary about fractals: how a simple formula can generate a whole universe
the simple formula behind our universe
Dan Winter, connects the dots and uses clear visuals, showing the fysics of love, life and beauty, caused by perfect distribution, self-reference and compression in phi ratio of the flow of power
click here for the power point visuals showing what he is talking about
Drunvalo Melchizedek initiated me around 02-02-2002 through his books, talks about Sacred Geometry, Merkaba and the Flower of Life
Drunvalo & Dan Winter, together in Egypt!
do not go nuts, do knots or doughnuts and click it!!!
anti gravity
candy of creation
how it All connects to knots
what's a knot and what not?
This is impossible!!!
more amazement...
movie made by Bliep travelling to the Funny Farm by paper plane on the Day out of Time.
Ian Xel Lungold explains about the evolution of conscienceness:
Terrence McKenna, calling it Time Wave Zero on:
and a certain must see to believe: how sound shapes matter:
David Icke explains how it All works:
and how thoughts shape matter:
and who's thoughts shaped these patterns?
video feedback patterns:
and other fractals:
dark & light power:
Starseed seeking starseeds to awaken:
Rainbow's Pot of Gold:
and how it all connects:
Planet Sauvage Animation
to get happy click here
Monty Python's Revenge
more truth and beauty put to music:
David Icke explains some more about his brother...
controlled plasma
super robots
& cyborgs
power of waves
Spirit of Ma'at Filmfestival by Drunvalo Melchizedek (the man behind the Flower Of Life)
and the rabbi said:
what's a wombat?
Bill Hicks Relentless Revelations Rock!!!
New Age Travellers: Operation Solstice. Documentary putting the fight for/against rave-party's back into the age-old context of oppression: DO NOT GATHER OR UNITE (divide and conquer)
Quetzalquatl's Return: New evidence shows not even our mighty Sun is self-sustaining, but part of it All.