Mythology describes serpents as being the vehicles by which celestial bodies, such as the Sun and Stars, cross and weave the heavens or dimensions. The shedding of their skin makes them a symbol of rebirth and renewal.
Also: they do not use their venom at every bite, representing an important lesson about Energy Efficient Power Flow.
The Serpent is a very important symbol of Indi - Gen - ous Knowledge of all cultures and times.
Indigenous means to bring into being from within.

1st layer of existence influenced by Light.
2nd layer reptillian brain
3rd mammalian
4th cerebral cortex / 'grey matter'
5th layer Cosmic brain/Universe
This 3rd eye is the central entrance or exit point for the Soul to turn inside-out, by producing DMT, Life's Ambrosius, Soma, Elixer of Abundance during Birth, Death and Dreaming.
When a balanced Serpent meets it's Self, End or God, in stead of directly biting, can choose to Alternate between the Higher Self and the Lower Self, a so called: REBIRTH.
By crossing itself a number of times, before it bites it's own tail it WEAVES the In Phi Knit Whole Heal Holy Celtic/Mayan Round Hoop Dreamcatcher/Knot Matrix of Self-reference.
FiVe Drops,
FiVe Hearts entwined,
One Flower.
A Sun or Star is Born!!!!!
Stella Metaflortex Pinealis or Power Flower, a stable, woven, dynamic structure of the Multiverse:

At the The Crosspoint of:
1st Dimension: Length, the In Phi Knit long Cosmic Serpent of Experience, every action a picture on it's scale, bites it's own tail...(I=0)
2nd Dimension: Whidth, the In Phi Knit holotropic vibrating plain/membrane of existence::(IxI=0)
3rd Dimension: Depth, Our "Well Known" Three Dimensional World.(IxIxI=0)
4th Dimension: Time, Fabric of Spacetime, now here from Alpha to Omega____(IxIxIxI=0)
5th Dimension: I=You, You are the 5th Dimension, as You In Phi Knitly travel trough Time and Space, weaving the Fabric of Existence as you interact with Other aspects of your Self.(IxIxIxIxI=0)
Here is Crucified YouWoManytie - God - Rose
From the squared root of Phi,
springs the Fruit of Phi:
One is born out of Nothing.
The main Mesoamerican deity Quetzalcoatl is represented as a feathered serpent.
Quetzal is a beautiful green bird with a long rainbow colored tail, gliding high, while coatl means serpent, slithering low.
Together they represent the basic polarised harmonic nature of every Unit, out of which Creation springs:
Right inbetween before and after.
The High and the Low, as above so below.
The Round & the Straight, Love to Love, Hate to Hate.
The Zero and One, the binary code of the digital universe, together make the Phi Symbol for Golden Mean, the L 0/I Ve Vibration of Many Vested Interest:

Untill the HOOP COMPLETES, the EVOLUTION of COSMIC LIFE SPEEDS UP in GOLDEN MEAN PROPORTION, faster and faster, with Quantum Leaps inbetween, at Pre Set In Phi Knit Knot Points in Space Time.
The Vision Serpent is the most important of the serpents. It is usually bearded and has a rounded snout. It has two heads, with the spirit of a god or ancestor emerging from its jaws.
During speciffic rituals, participants will experience visions in which they communicate with the ancestors/dna or gods.
These visions take the form of a giant serpent which serves as a gateway to the spirit realm.
The ancestor or god who is being contacted is depicted as emerging from the serpent’s mouth.
The vision serpent thus is the method in which ancestors or Gods manifest themselves.
The Vision Serpent is a direct link between the spirit realm of the gods and the physical world.
The Vision Serpent goes back to early conceptions, and lies at the center of the world.
It is in the center axis atop the World Tree.
Essentially the World Tree and the Vision Serpent, represent the king creating the center axis which communicates between the spiritual and the earthly worlds or planes.
It is through ritual that the king can bring the center axis into existence in the temples and create a doorway to the spiritual world, and with it power. (Schele and Friedel, 1990: 68)
The Vision Serpent is prevalent in speciffic traditional healing ceremonies, in religious practices, jewelry, pottery and architecture.
The Cosmic Serpent
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The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge
showing symbolic correspondence between an image of a snake and DNA.
Followed by Intelligence in Nature.
The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge is a 1995 non-fiction book by Jeremy Narby.
Narby performed two years of field work in the Pichis Valley of the Peruvian Amazon researching the ecology of the Asháninka, an indigenous peoples in Peru.
Investigating the connections between shamanism and molecular biology, Narby hypothesizes that shamans may be able to access information at the molecular level through the ingestion of entheogens, specifically DMT containing ayahuaska, or without, by Dreaming Aborigines Rainbow Serpent, or Tantric exercises.
Narby and three molecular biologists revisited the Peruvian Amazon to try to test the hypothesis, and their work is featured in the documentary film, Night of the Liana."
The belief in the Rainbow Snake, a personification of fertility, increase (richness in propoagation of plants and animals) and rain, is common throughout Australia. It is a creator of human beings, having life-giving powers that send conception spirits to all the waterholes. It is responsible for regenerating rains, and also for storms and floods when it acts as an agent of punishment against those who transgress the law or upset it in any way. It swallows people in great floods and regurgitates their bones, which turn into stone, thus documenting such events. Rainbow snakes can also enter a man and endow him with magical powers, or leave 'little rainbows', their progeny, within his body which will make him ail and die. As the regenerative and reproductive power in nature and human beings, it is the main character in the region's major rituals." (from page 47, "Journey in Time", Reed 1993).