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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Healing Ceremony in Tipi, with Kambo and Ayahuasca on the Day out of Time:

Kiss the frog and become a prince and/or princess!Align Centre
Phyllomedusa Bicolor 'monkey frog sweat' if you desire so,
in addition to the halucinoGENic puking brew for extra clarity and strength!
We will be welcomed by the tribal vibrations of Stef,
to sooth the moods and wake the spirits...
Cesar is a medicine-doctor trained by masters from the amazon jungle and will assist during the ceremony.
Tipi by Mixsikh of the Golden Temple, who will also resonate some kundalini mantra's from India
On the Gregorian date of Juli 25th.
Also known by the Maya as the Day Out Of Time.

This is the Natural Time: 13 moons of 28 days leaving one Day Out Of Time (13x28=364+1=365=roundhoop=0)
More information about the Maya Calender will be revealed for the first time by the Maya themselves on the 29th of July by their chosen channel Drunvalo Melchizedek in a live broadcast. Click here for more info.

Gathering between 17:00 and 18:00 on the Funny Farm at the Round Hoop.
Ceremony from 18.00 till the Sun comes up, and Beyond!
(bring or be your instrument for live-jam)

Kambo €.55,-
kambo + ajahuasca €.77,-
(incl.10% Tax Credit Funny Farm Project)
For more information, reservations and payment you may contact:

Giovanni Lattanzi
mob. 06-22355575

click here for the latest info in the Kambo newsletter of July


Thank you for your trust, it helped me to trust myself in the perfection guiding us together.
The ajahuasca i drank last night helped me also to see. Now it's clear.

It's a kambo ceremony (including the eye treatment) and the price to participate to the ritual is €.50 (Cesar+Giovanni) + 10% for the funny farm (Paul)= €.55
For the ones who want to drink the ajahuasca there is an extra of €.20 + 10% for the funny farm (Paul) = €.22
You and Michel don't pay the ceremony because of the organization work.
For the tipi (Micheal) €.110
WOOD will arrive by grace €.0



I will just put it on the blog like that!
Clear Vision to Every One of Us!

Tipi blew away yesterday!
Might be a sign saying the Power Flower Dome is up next...
Would make ceremony possible for more people and less money.
Let's See...



~Gianni: put also the undertitel: PERFECTION COMES FROM PERFECTION
~Paul: ok!

How to get to the Funny Farm?
show Funny Farm on the map

Route Description:

Best Tip:

With bike and public tranceport: You can take your bike in the metro 51 and then get out at Oranjebaan and cycle to the Funny Farm in 20 minutes.
Without bike by public transport: Take tram 5, or metro 51 from central station to Amstelveen, get out at Oranjebaan and walk for 50 min.
or: take the red bus number 300 from Bijlmer station (amsterdam zuid-oost) and get out in the village Ouderkerk aan de Amstel and then walk to the farm (40 min)

By bike or car all the way: Follow the Amstel river to the south until you see the sign "Ouderkerk aan de Amstel", then cross the river to the left over the bridge.
After the bridge turn right into the village. Go straight until the cafe. Turn right at cafe.

Important : Cross little bridge between the two big churches! (or else you take the Hoop the wrong way and add 16.18 km to your Quest!)
Then follow signs "Rondehoep West" until you reach number 49

If you come in the weekend the ferry can take you across the Amstel river from 12:00 till 17.45.
In that case you can take bus No 149 from Amstelveen Bus Station, and arrive right across the farm near Cafe 'de Zwarte Kat', and then take the ferry (costs 75 cents).
From there it's only 3 minutes walking to the Funny Farm.



    van Judith de Beer

    Een kleine, groene boomkikker is de leverancier van een zeer krachtig medicijn, zo krachtig dat het wel “vaccin do sapo”wordt genoemd. Er zijn zelfs enkele indianenstammen voor wie dit het enige middel is dat bij ziekte gebruikt wordt, omdat zij er vrijwel alles mee kunnen behandelen.

    Phyllomedusa bicolor
    is de Latijnse naam voor deze kikker, lokaal is hij bekend onder de naam kambŸ, kampo of kampum, ook wel sapo, wat een algemene naam voor “kikker”is. In het Engels heet hij Monkey frog, omdat hij hoog in de bomen klimt, waar hij ook paart. Voor zover men weet komt hij eigenlijk alleen voor in het Amazonegebied van Peru en BraziliŒ. Hij is voornamelijk groen/roodbruin en kan ca. 12 cm groot worden, niet erg groot dus. Het “gif” bevindt zich in het slijm op de huid van de kikker, reden waarom hij niet erg aantrekkelijk is voor roofdieren.
    Al eeuwen lang wordt door indianenstammen het slijm van de kikkerhuid gebruikt voor heling, maar ook voor b.v. succes bij de jacht of tegen luiheid. M.n. de Katukina indianen gebruiken dit middel voor alle bij hun voorkomende ziekten. Van jongs af aan worden kinderen, wanneer ze ziek zijn, hiermee behandeld.
    De uitscheiding van de kambu wordt meestal ’s nachts verzameld door ervaren jagers. De Katukina praten met de kikker, leggen hem uit waar zij hem voor nodig hebben en lokken hem naar zich toe. De kikker wordt als het ware gemolken: hoe meer je hem “aait”, hoe meer afscheiding er komt. Als hij dan “gemolken” is, wordt hij weer teruggezet. Deze afscheiding wordt verzameld op een stuk hout, waarop het droogt en kristalliseert. Zodoende kan het bewaard worden en eventueel getransporteerd naar andere gebieden. Hierdoor is het mogelijk dat ook mensen buiten de Amazone ermee behandeld worden. De uitscheiding schijnt vooral rijk aan bepaalde peptiden te zijn, waaronder vasoactieve en opioide peptiden en een peptide die men adenoregulien noemt.
    Onderzoeken in en buiten het Amazonegebied tonen aan dat de behandeling een zeer gunstige invloed heeft op o.a. darmproblemen, nierstenen, ziekten van hart- en bloedvaten, reumatische aandoeningen, kanker, glaucoom, verslavingen, depressie en angsten.

    Een cipo de brasa (een bepaalde liaansoort) wordt in het vuur gehouden tot het gaat branden. Met het rode puntje ervan worden gaatjes gebrand in de huid, bij vrouwen op de benen, bij mannen op de bovenarm. Meestal zo tussen de 3 en 30 gaatjes. Op elk gaatje (wondje) wordt iets van de gekristalliseerde uitscheiding gelegd, waardoor direct effect optreedt.
    De werkzame stof(fen) produceert een intense tachycardie, en, als gevolg, vasodilatatie. De huid wordt rood en er ontstaat een sensatie van hitte. Enige minuten later ontstaat het omgekeerde effect: de persoon wordt bleek, krijgt het koud en meestal ontstaan er buikkrampen, vaak gepaard gaande met overgeven van geel vocht (gal)en diarree. Vervolgens is het afhankelijk van de ziekte waaraan iemand lijdt, hoe lang de werking door gaat en naar welke gebieden het sap trekt.

    Het slijm van de kikker wordt “vaccin de sapo”genoemd omdat het enorm versterkend werkt op het immuunsysteem, als gevolg waarvan vele ziektes in korte tijd verdwijnen.
    Maar het effect hoeft niet beperkt te blijven tot fysieke manifestaties. Sommige mensen ervaren spirituele inzichten, of horen de kikker “praten” en antwoord geven op vragen die ze hebben. Mediums gebruiken het om hun waarneming verder te openen. Volgens een van de sjamanen van de indianenstammen die het gebruiken, zorgt de kikker ervoor dat het hart op de juiste manier gaat werken, zodat alles weer gaat stromen. Voor de indianen is alles verbonden met elkaar, spiritualiteit is niet iets apart van de materie. Wat de kambu doet, noemen zij “tirar de panema” waarbij “panema” zoiets is als “bad luck”, datgene wat maakt dat niets goed gaat, dat je die baan niet krijgt, of geen geluk hebt in de liefde; wij zouden het misschien “slecht karma” noemen. De kambu trekt de “bitterheid” eruit, het verdriet en de depressie (sterke detoxificatie van de lever). Het gevolg van de behandeling is een gevoel van rust, ontspanning en vooral veel energie. In ieder geval staan de Katukina indianen bekend als »»n van de meest vrolijke, mooie mensen van de amazone en er komen weinig ziekten bij hen voor.

    Onderzoek en patenten
    Er zijn al diverse resultaten van wetenschappelijk onderzoek gepubliceerd waarbij effect is gebleken op aandoeningen als hoofdpijn en diabetes Biologen uit Sao Paolo hebben recent 3 nieuwe peptiden ontdekt waarvan er 2, n.l. filosseptina-7 en dermasseptina-1, in staat zijn bacterien te elimineren , m.n. de Micrococcus luteus, o.a. verantwoordelijk voor impetigo (een huidaandoening); Staph.aureus, o.a. veroorzaker van ziekenhuisinfecties; Escherichia coli, veroorzaker van diarree en Pseudomonas aeruginosa, verantwoordelijk voor infecties van de luchtwegen. Deze 2 stoffen werken allebei ongeveer hetzelfde: Üzij openen kleine poriŒn van de celwand van de bacterie en doden hem zo. Tegelijkertijd doden zij niet de rode bloedlichaampjes, verantwoordelijk voor het zuurstoftransport, waardoor men denkt dat deze moleculen naar alle waarschijnlijkheid niet schadelijk zijn voor het menselijk lichaam

    De (gedroogde) secretie, maar soms ook hele kikkers, worden inmiddels al uit de amazone meegenomen om het in de grote steden te gaan gebruiken. De Katukina’s beschouwen dit als een vorm van biopiraterij en zijn het er ook niet mee eens, omdat toepassing, volgens hen, onder begeleiding van een sjamaan moet gebeuren.
    Internationale laboratoria hebben al diverse patentaanvragen op de werkzame stoffen lopen, waaronder deltorfina en dermorfina, die worden gesynthetiseerd uit ge‘soleerde moleculen van de secretie; dermorfina schijnt 100 keer zo sterk te zijn als morfine.
    Wijs geworden door de ervaringen met de jararaca, een adder uit de amazone, (Pharmaceut Squibb maakte uit dit addermiddel een zeer succesvol medicijn, Captopril, waar zij 1,6 biljoen dollar mee verdienden, zonder dat de Braziliaanse bevolking daar ook maar »»n cent van kreeg) staat de kambu nu onder bescherming van de Braziliaanse regering. Zij willen ervoor zorgen dat er meer wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar wordt gedaan, maar ook dat de opbrengst ten goede komt aan m.n. de Katukina-stam en andere indianenstammen, die zichzelf als de hoeders beschouwen van dit medicijn en in het algemeen van de traditionele geneeskunde.
    Bovendien is dit nodig ter bescherming van de nationale gezondheid. Net zoals vele medicinale planten heeft deze kikker n.l. een “look alike”, die echt giftig is.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Poisonous Tree Frog Could Bring Wealth to Tribe in Brazilian Amazon


    Published: May 30, 2006

    CAMPINAS INDIAN RESERVE, Brazil — Fernando Katukina is chief of an indigenous tribe that lives largely without running water, electricity, or links to the world outside this remote corner of the western Amazon.
    A member of the Katukina tribe in the Brazilian Amazon gave a dose of poisonous tree frog secretion to Paulo Bernarde, a biologist investigating possible medicinal uses of the substance.

    But Chief Fernando says he possesses a treasure that could be at the cutting-edge of biotechnology. If a plan initiated by the chief is successful, his tribe's fortunes will be transformed by an asset he and the Brazilian government believe holds great promise for the global pharmaceutical industry: the slime from a poisonous tree frog.
    Tribal shamans have used the slime as an ancestral remedy to treat illness, pain, even laziness. The crucial ingredients are compounds with anesthetic, tranquilizing and other medicinal properties. Scientists say the promise lies in isolating peptides from the frog's slime and then reproducing them for medicines to treat hypertension, strokes and other illnesses

    Already, Chief Fernando has the full backing of Brazil's government, which sees the frog slime as a stepping stone to significantly advance its own research and development in pharmaceuticals. In particular, the scientific challenge of the frog, known locally as the kambÙ, will deepen Brazil's expertise in pharmacogenomics — the combined use of genetics and pharmacology — and it takes advantage of the traditional knowledge of indigenous people.

    "Traditional knowledge can help modern medicine and generate significant economic benefits, too," said Bruno Filizola, technical coordinator of the project and a biologist at the environment ministry in BrasÌlia, Brazil's capital.

    The indigenous dimension is also crucial because Brazil, like other developing nations, is trying to fight back against what it perceives as biopiracy, the theft of biological resources from the country's native habitats for commercial use. Though the project is still in its early stages, and many starts often prove false, teams of some 20 scientists are seeking initial financing of close to $1 million from more than a dozen local universities, state governments and federal agencies.

    There is also a great deal more than naÔve hope at stake here. Brazilian scientists have already taught the country's farmers, who today are among the world's top exporters, to manipulate soils and alter crops once unsuited for the country's climate. Now many researchers believe science can turn Brazilian forests into working, productive laboratories.

    "Brazil has a large, growing and capable community of scientists keen to develop their own research and products," said Joshua Rosenthal, deputy director of a division for international training and research at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md.

    Moreover, Brazilian researchers have not forgotten the case of the jararaca, the Amazonian viper. The pharmaceutical giant Squibb used the snake's venom to develop captopril, a blood pressure medicine it began selling in 1975. Though available generically since 1996, the medicine at its commercial peak was the largest selling product for the company, now part of New York-based Bristol-Myers Squibb, grossing $1.6 billion in 1991.

    "Because of past errors," reads a document from the Brazilian Environment Ministry, "captopril is not Brazilian."

    Though home to the world's largest rainforest and one of the most biodiverse ecosystems on the planet, Brazil traditionally has been slow to develop its so-called genetic patrimony — the plants and animals within its territory and the potential they offer for profit. The Ministry document also laments Brazil's historical research lag and the consequent loss of billions in potential revenues from pharmaceuticals, agricultural products, and other commercial goods.

    An overview for the effort known as Project KambÙ, written by a team of researchers at the Environment Ministry, says, "The national genetic patrimony could be the key to Brazil's transformation in the global political and socio-economic context."

    The effort comes as developing countries increasingly promote the idea of developing and commercializing their traditional medicines and local arts. And they are questioning the rights of foreigners to exploit their locally derived products. At a United Nations gathering in the southern Brazilian city of Curitiba last month, delegates from developing nations called for changes to international law that would allow governments to block — or at least share profits from — foreign patents on biological resources found in their territory.

    In December, at a World Trade Organization meeting in Hong Kong, India's trade minister told delegates that progress in global trade talks hinged on similar changes.

    Private industry is wary. The road from research to finished product is long and costly. Rare is the compound, companies argue, that in unadulterated form would become the next wonder drug or other commercial bonanza.

    "Developing nations should take a lead by working to develop their own resources — not blocking the efforts of others to research and invest," said Alan Oxley, a former Australian trade ambassador who is now a consultant in Melbourne and runs a research institute funded in part by the U.S. pharmaceutical industry.

    Brazil aims to take a lead through the kambÙ. The project was launched last year after Marina Silva, Brazil's environment minister, received a letter from Fernando, the Katukina chief, denouncing the growing use of kambÙ poison by outsiders. Its perceived benefits in recent years fueled a pirate trade in the poison in cities across Brazil.

    The poison could be dangerous if administered wrongly, Chief Fernando warned. And its use, the letter added, is nothing less than biopiracy; if economic gain is generated by the remedy, the Katukina tribe should get a cut.

    Ms. Silva, a native of the tribe's home state of Acre, agreed. She authorized a ministry project to study the kambÙ, stipulating that any profits derived from the research be shared with the Katukina.

    "The know-how is the tribe's," she said in a recent telephone interview. "They must share in any rewards."

    Scientists have studied the kambÙ before. Called the giant monkey frog in English, because it climbs high into the rainforest canopy, the kambÙ first sparked attention among foreign researchers decades ago. Some of the compounds from the poison, secreted through the frog's skin, have even been patented abroad.

    Yet because scientists are still struggling to understand the poison, none of those patents have led to successful products. "These compounds have potent effects on human physiology," said Paul Bishop, a biochemist at ZymoGenetics, a Seattle-based pharmaceutical company, and the author of five patents based on kambÙ poison. "But we don't fully understand them all or just why they occur in the defenses of this tree frog."

    That is where Brazil hopes to excel. While biologists and chemists investigate the kambÙ, its habitat and the poison's makeup, a team of anthropologists and physicians will study the long-term impact of its use on the Katukina.

    One morning in mid-March, two scientists from the Federal University of Acre visited the tribe's reserve, a 125-square mile section of jungle near the Peruvian border. There, amid one of five clusters of wooden cabins, two shamans agreed to administer the kambÙ remedy, known in Portuguese as the "vacina do sapo," or "frog vaccine."

    Reginaldo Machado, a biologist, stood shirtless and sweating next to an older shaman, who touched the red-hot end of a burning twig three times to the scientist's shoulder. The other shaman, another twig in hand, then daubed the sticky, mud-like poison on each of the tiny burns.

    Mr. Machado, already in pain from a flare-up of chronic kidney stones, within seconds sprang from the wooden shack, suffering hot flashes, nausea, and stomach aches. Ten minutes later, he returned, expressing surprise.

    "I actually do feel stronger," he said. "There's more to this than myth."

    Though western dress long ago replaced the grass skirts traditionally worn by tribal people, the frog remedy is one of a handful of customs the Katukina preserve.

    After catching the frog in nearby trees, tribe members tie it spread-eagle style between two posts, collecting slime from its back and sides with a piece of wood, where it dries. They then release the frog and later, with water or saliva, re-hydrate the dried poison before applying it.

    Despite the term "vaccine," the slime does not vaccinate against any specific germ or illness.

    Once the body processes the poison's toxins — hence Mr. Machado's sweats and indigestion — its compounds induce what users say is a prolonged sense of alertness and wellbeing. Because they believe it heightens their senses, Katukina hunters traditionally use it most: Long rows of burn scars dot their arms, chests and stomachs.

    Most Katukina speak only the tribal variant of pano, a native Amazonian language group. Fernando, one of only two tribe members to work outside the reserve, is convinced of the kambÙ's value, and adamant that the medication, if used by others, can improve a tribal economy that is currently at the level of subsistence.

    "The vaccine belongs to us," he said. "Science might help us develop it, but kambÙ knowledge is Katukina."

  4. Thank you for your trust, it helped me to trust myself in the perfection guiding us together.
    The ajahuasca i drank last night helped me also to see. Now it's clear.

    It's a kambo ceremony (including the eye treatment) and the price to partecipate to the ritual is €.50 (Cesar+Giovanni) + 10% for the funny farm (Paul)= €.55
    For the ones who want to drink the ajahuasca there is an extra of €.20 + 10% for the funny farm (Paul) = €.22
    You and Michel don't pay the ceremony because of the organisation work.
    For the tipi (Michel) €.110
    WOOD will arrive by grace €.0

    On May 10, 2009, at 2:40 PM, Paul Bruno wrote:

    > thank you for your serious consideration of these issues!
    > I trust that whatever comes out will be just perfect!
    > 2009/5/10 gianni lattanzi
    > Hi Paul, i'm sorry but this is a misunderstanding.
    > I didn't say that friends may come for free and i didn't say that the medicine cost €.40. I said that usually Cesar and me ask €.70 for Ajahuasca en Kambo, BUT in our usual sessions the people pay them apart, €. 50 for kambo and €. 20 for a cup of Ajahuasca. Cesar gets these medicines from Brazil and -i know- they are quite expensive to himself. I find this price is quite a cheap one if you compare with the prices of other Ajahuasca rituals where the people pay between €. 90-120 for one session of Ajahuasca without kambo. I forgot to tell you that included with the kambo-ajahuasca tretament everyone gets a eye treatment with a powerfull collirium of the forest. This is included in the price.
    > About the free treatments: I spoke about you and Michel getting the treatments for free, because you and Michel are involved in the organization. For me this offer is still available. I don't think €.50 is a reasonable price for this treatments because of the costs Cesar has himself to buy the medicine. Anyway give me some time to see if i can find a solution. I myself also don't want to exclude anyone because of money issues.
    > The only possibility i can see is that the people may choose to do Kambo or Ajahuasca, in that case they would pay €.50 for kambo and €.20 for Ajahuasca. But let me think about it. I'm not really convinced it's a good idea.
    > I need some time to see to see better...i write to you tomorrow.
    > ciao
    > On May 10, 2009, at 11:06 AM, Paul Bruno wrote:
    >> ciao gianni,
    >> This calculation seems fair to me, but still, it is quite expensive.
    >> If we could make it happen for 50 euro per person, it would really open it up to many more people, I think.
    >> This is because of the, relative, high costs of the treatment.
    >> 70 euro is still a lot of money.
    >> We also talked about this.
    >> I remember you said it could also be around 40 euro for the medicine.
    >> You said it could even be free for friends that I invite, but let's just see how cheap we can make it for EVERYONE!!!
    >> Then if 20 people pay 50 euro per person = 1000 euro
    >> 10 percent goes to the farm so - 100 euro
    >> 110 euro goes to Micheal for the tipi - 110 euro
    >> the rest is for you and Cesar = 790 euro
    >> plus my 40 euro for medicine makes = 820 euro
    >> divided by 20 = 41 euro per person
    >> (leaving 60 euro for the farm, 110 for the tipi, 820 for the medicine)
    >> if only 10 people pay 50 euro per person = 500 euro
    >> 10 percent goes to the farm so - 50 euro
    >> 110 euro goes to Micheal for the tipi - 110 euro
    >> the rest is for you and Cesar = 340 euro
    >> plus my 40 euro makes + 40 euro
    >> = 380 euro
    >> divided by 10 = 38 euro per person.
    >> (leaving 12 euro for the farm, 110 for the tipi, 380 for the medicine)
    >> Apart from the farm, the tipi, the medicine and breakfast we also need WOOD!
    >> I don't have that.
    >> How to get that?
    >> Also included in the price is usually the shaman/musician/performance.
    >> If we make the entertainment part ourselves, it seems fair we don't pay for that.
    >> This way the experience could be more balanced and therefore more beneficial to all involved.
    >> I have done my best to keep the costs as low as possible for the farm.
    >> Maybe Micheal could also make it cheaper if the total price goes down.
    >> This is how I see the transformation from the sacred triangle of hierarchy to the holy hoop of harmony.
    >> We are all one.
    >> Let's live according to this knowledge!
    >> I saw on the last ceremony's on the farm that there were people that were not involved, paying clients, that were mostly sleeping through the ceremony.
    >> They payed, so now all they had to do was wait until they are cured by the doctor/shaman/medicine.
    >> I don't believe this works.
    >> To heal is an active proces, activated by Yourself!
    >> The trick is how to involve the people into activating this healing process.
    >> Paying a healer/medicine is not enough!
    >> It is just a suggestion.
    >> I would like to know how possible this is.
    >> 2009/5/10 gianni lattanzi
    >> thank you very much for all the calculations you made. i'm now too tired to follow it, i'll read it tomorrow, then i'll write to you. It seems to me that yr calculation is fine, but i'll tell you later.
    >> ciao
    >> On May 9, 2009, at 10:14 PM, Paul Bruno wrote:
    >>> I understood like this:
    >>> 10 percent of what every visitor pays goes to the farm/me
    >>> I participate too and pay too, so minus 70 euro in the end.
    >>> I just called Micheal to hear how he understood:
    >>> He says he usually asks 250 Euro for building up the tipi minus costs for participation, he also asks if his girlfriend can join.
    >>> So that would make 250 euro
    >>> minus 2x 70 euro = 140 euro
    >>> leaves 110 euro that he would still like to get for the tipi.
    >>> If 20 guests pay 80 euro per person that would make 1600 euro
    >>> 10 euro per person goes to the farm/me you say = 200 euro
    >>> 110 euro for the tipi/Micheal - 110 euro
    >>> Leaves 90 euro for the farm, and I haven't payed for my treatment yet.
    >>> But if only 10 guests pay 80 euro per person that would make only 800 euro total,
    >>> then still Micheal wants 110 euro but I only get 10 euro per person so have only 100 euro then!
    >>> That's not enough to pay Micheal and there is nothing left for the farm then!
    >>> I never suggested that 10 euro per person goes to me AND Micheal.
    >>> I suggested that 10 percent goes to me/farm.
    >>> Then Micheal still wants 110 euro for the tipi.
    >>> If you want to let people pay no more than 80 euro per person:
    >>> Then if 20 people pay 80 euro per person = 1600 euro
    >>> 10 percent goes to the farm so - 160 euro
    >>> 110 euro goes to Micheal for the tipi - 110 euro
    >>> the rest is for you and Cesar = 1330 euro
    >>> plus my 70 euro for medicine makes = 1400 euro
    >>> divided by 20 = 70 per person
    >>> (leaving 90 euro for the farm, 110 for Micheal, 1400 for you and Cesar)
    >>> but if only 10 people pay 80 euro per person = 800 euro
    >>> 10 percent goes to the farm so - 80 euro
    >>> 110 euro goes to Micheal for the tipi - 110 euro
    >>> the rest is for you and Cesar = 610 euro
    >>> plus my 70 euro makes = 680 euro
    >>> divided by 10 = 68 euro per person.
    >>> (leaving only 10 euro for the farm, 110 for Micheal, 680 for you and Cesar)
    >>> Is that ok for you?
    >>> 2009/5/9 gianni lattanzi
    >>> great Paul!
    >>> Very nice that you are taking care to invite some musicians, so we can make nice party of it.
    >>> about the price: we've talked already. €.80 per person included breakfast (in case people like to bring something to drink or eat to share after the ceremony, that's very welcome).
    >>> I'll take care to bring fruits and drinks, i'll come by bike, i'll bring as much as i can.
    >>> €.10 per person is for you and Michel.
    >>> €.70 is for Cesar and me.
    >>> Is it still ok for you? Or do you have an other idea? Then i would like to hear.
    >>> Maybe next to the €.8- we can mention that there is the possibility for free donations for your place and eventually for Michel.
    >>> You and Michel won't pay the ajahuasca and kambo treatment.
    >>> Usually I prefer to arrange the registation (the payment) at first just before starting the ceremony.
    >>> It helps to keep the organisation more simple.
    >>> CIAO
    >>> On May 9, 2009, at 5:21 PM, Paul Bruno wrote:
    >>>> thanx!
    >>>> nice story!
    >>>> I put it on the blog.
    >>>> I also invited some friends by email.
    >>>> I also asked my friend/poet/percussionist Steff.
    >>>> I called Micheal today, just to hear how he felt, and he is all ready for it!
    >>>> He wanted to invite some other friend too, for a sing along (Gabriel).
    >>>> I think it would work good if we put some poles to hang on to, next to the water beside the tipi, so people can empty themselves 'froggy style' directly into the water.
    >>>> what shall we say about the prices?
    >>>> 2009/5/9 gianni lattanzi
    >>>> Hi Paul,
    >>>> Here the text, i added also something about the spiritual aspect of this medicine. You may cut if you find it too long.
    >>>> Ciao
    >>>> Giovanni
    >>>> About Cesar
    >>>> I know Cesar since a couple of years. Cesar is not a shaman and he never pretends to be one. I find him myself a trustable and good friend, he is doing his work since 9 years with devotion and care. He learnt in Brazil how to use kambo by his Padrinho Fernando. During these years he made quite some experience in using this medicine on himself and others. His kambo treatments comes directly from the tradition of the katukina, a small population who lives in the Amazone forest where this medicine comes from. It seems they are the happiest, healthiest and most beautiful people of the Amazone. To heal from any diseases and even to bring good luck they use only this medicine. They call it the vaccine of the forest. Cesar is one of the few persons who are giving kambo sessions in Europe. That's quite treaserable and therefore many people, like me, are grateful for his work. I think we are lucky that this medicine is now available in Europe. Only a few years ago we couldn't even imagine that such a powerful medicine exists. Kambo is like a a good doctor who doesn't make mistake about the diagnosis of your disease and whos therapy fits perfectly with your needs.
    >>>> Spiritual aspects and good luck
    >>>> Kambo has a spiritual aspect. Some people call it the ‘psychedelic side of this medicine’. Since the very first session, after around 20 minutes you may enter a state of deep relaxation. No thought, just a strong and vivid experience of being. Someone shared he felt for the first time a deep joy of being alive.In a few cases it may happen -expecially if you are used to it- that this medicine brings you soon to a kind of bliss. This bliss state may be accompanied by visions. By visions expecially during the first treatments are not so usual. The katukina say that shamans may sometimes talk with the frog who is giving them instructions.. The katukina are used to say that kambo brings good luck in your life. This medicine helps people who have some difficulties in their lives (with work, relationships or health) and need to get in tune with a good stream of energy. I understand this better now that I’m doing kambo regularly. After the treatments it may happen something unexpected: you become magnetic to good things, a new job, incomes, a relationship etc. New possibilities may come to you. You can meet a guide animal. When the blockade is removed , the door is open.
    >>>>> ok.
    >>>>> will remove date.
    >>>>> hope to hear from you soon!
    >>>>> was reading today on internet about the frog, really cool!
    >>>>> 2009/5/6 gianni lattanzi
    >>>>> hi Paul,
    >>>>> i'm sorry , i was too fast in fixing the date. Now i realize that at the end of june we have the santo daime festival.
    >>>>> I prefer to avoid to offer a kambo session on the same night of a daime work. Otherwise the people who usually get our treatment will not come.
    >>>>> I hope you don't mind to wait until i get the programma of the festival. i try to get it as soon as possible. Then i let you know. OK?
    >>>>> Maybe it's better to remove the date for the moment and wait for a while. Anyway the announment looks really good!
    >>>>> Ciao
    >>>>> Giovanni
    >>>>> On May 6, 2009, at 4:10 PM, Paul Bruno wrote:
    >>>>>> hello Gianni,
    >>>>>> I just put a short invitation on my blog:
    >>>>>> Tell me what you think about it, maybe you can send me the story you gave me, so I can add it to the invitation, or a website or something...
    >>>>>> thank you,
    >>>>>> see you,
    >>>>>> good luck,
    >>>>>> Paul.
    I will just put it on the blog like that!
    Clear Vision to Every One of Us!

    Tipi blew away yesterday!
    Might be a sign saying the Power Flower Dome is up next...
    Would make ceremony possible for more people and less money.
    Let's See...

    The frog does not produce the Medicine in captivity!!!!! That's Perfect! I Se...

    10:21 (1 uur geleden)
    Paul BrunoBezig met laden...
    10:21 (1 uur geleden)
    Paul Bruno
    aan gianni

    details weergeven 10:21 (1 uur geleden)


    Follow up message
    The frog does not produce the Medicine in captivity!!!!!

    That's Perfect!

    I See The Way to go with this Clearly:

    I was 20 years old when I realized I didn't like the world.
    I thought about suicide.
    On the day I turned 21 I realized I didn't like the world as it is, but I could Change it!
    This was a major turning point.
    I was now a responsible adult.
    I started asking the question what world I would like.
    All my dreams were always about living in the Jungle.
    I wanted to be an archeologist when I was 5 or 6.
    I loved the Linx cat when I was 7 or 8 and discovered to my shock it was on the endangered to be extinct list.
    I thought what to do?
    I lived in Botswana (Africa) from my 9th until my 11th year, where I met some 'Bushmen', maybe the oldest indigenous peoples of the Earth.
    My father was working there as a hydro-geologist and took the whole family.
    I loved it!
    He soon realized that the United Nations Health bla bla, who hired him to find water, actually didn't want him to FIND it!
    Because that would make the people independent, which was NOT what they wanted!
    My father was enraged and fought hard against Them.
    This resulted in him never getting a good job as a hydro geologist after that, while he is a genius in his field.
    My mother is a dutch biology teacher, but was born in Indonesia and lived there until she was 16.
    She was always dreaming back of her Life in Paradise, and telling, me, my brother and sister story's of her great mysterious past life.
    Always ending with that none of that exists anymore...
    So I was dreaming of Paradise.
    And thought how to make that REAL.
    I started digging into the Great Information Databank.
    I fell in love with the Yanomami.
    An indigenous tribe from the Amazon.
    I realized the Only Way to keep the Jungle is to make it profitable.
    I also found out that the Brazilian government is giving away land of the Amazon jungle to Any western person!
    I was shocked!
    I called the Brazilian embassy and got confirmation!
    He invited me to Brazil and offered a free deal for land.
    The Brazilian government just wanted Anything to happen with 'their' land that would make more profit than it did!
    I could get the land, just like any other westerner, without a cent.
    Than I could make a Joint Venture with some investor.
    They would provide the money to buy the chainsaws and POEF!!!!! ANOTHER FEW ACRES OF PRIMATIVE JUNGLE DESTROYED FOREVER!!!!!
    I found out the Yanomami make an alcoholic brew from a fruit.
    This fruit cannot be cultivated, because the trees only grow in between the rest of the Wild Jungle.
    This makes the wild jungle necessary for commercial exploitation.
    The only way to pick the fruit is to live in the jungle and climb in the tree's.
    This makes the indigenous people necessary for for the commercial exploitation of the jungle.
    I thought that this alcoholic brew could be popular for western people in bars etc.
    I was planning this project, but then my mother started acting hysterically, because her brother got 'lost' in the jungle and was never found again after he was managing a rubber plantation all by himself in the Indonesian jungle after the 2nd World War and had made public accusations agains army people of stealing stuff from the plantation.
    She said there was a simalar situation in the Amazon if I would go there and make people angry in the jungle who are earning money with stealing and so I would surely be killed.
    I aborted this plan to make her stop crying.
    Years later, when I was doing a job training as an art teacher in Cape Town - South Africa, I met someone who was doing Nature Conservation Projects in Madagascar.
    He said it was a Great Idea!
    And suggested to make the Joint Venture with the World Bank and get the land, and sell the drink to the West.

    A similar deal could be made with the Frog!

    all is synch!
    I just interrupted putting our conversation on the blog, because of your last mail suggesting to put it all on the blog!!!!!
    Will do a.s.a.p.!!!!!!

    Did it!

  5. hello Gianni,

    About patenting the use of frog sweat:

    If the Katukina can prove they used it first, they can claim their rights.

    If the effects were published before they were patented, the patent is invalid.

    That must be proven in court first.

    After that is proven a new claim can be made by the Katukina giving them the rights for financial exploitation of the frog sweat.

    This works backwards in time too, so they would then also get the money that has already been earned by other people, after it is a proven fact the Katukina invented/discovered it first.

    This all would have to go through courts, judges and supreme courts.
    This takes infinite money and time.
    The big pharmaceutical companies have that.
    The Indians don't.
    That is why the Patent Business is a lie!

    So that would be the First Thing to prove in the court case!
    The rest will follow...
    Hoop Time!

    p.s. I just patented the Power Flower Joint Con Action Point on 1st of May.
    I was thinking for three years about that dirty business.
    Taking down the Patent Business is not impossible I think.

  6. First the chemical use must be prohibited.

    This could be achieved through the fact that chemically isolating and separating the different components, and then applying them for human consumption/use could be DANGEROUS AND A HEALTH HAZARD!!!!!

    The way the indigenous people use it:
    In the natural form, a cocktail of many chemicals, most unknown to western science, has proven for many, many years to be effective and safe.

    This should clear the Way!



    According to scientific research made in Brazil kambo is a medicine that works with every kind of disease.
    It has a great benefits on the organs of the body: lungs, liver, kidneys and intestines but also helps to overcome arthritis, eyes problems, migraine.
    Kambo strenghtens enormously the immune system. For scientific information google: Phyllomedusa bycolor.
    The molecule contained in the sweat of this frog is the strongest natural antibiotic.
    There are many reports of people healed from eye diseases.
    Therefore in Brazil healers do often special sessions only for people with eyes problems.
    Next to Kambo, Cesar offers a ‘collitium of the forest’, a forest herb product which helps to overcome many eyes diseases like miopia, astigmatism, cataract etc.
    Kambo helps against viruses and parassites.
    Kambo works to overcome fatigue.
    Kambo gives you insight: during the session it may easily happen that you get an insight about what you have to avoid and what you have to do in order to improve your health condition.
    It is scientifically confirmed by research made in Brazil that kambo in a fast time can heal diseases which cannot be healed with many other therapies or medicines.
    Because of its detoxifying power, Kambo can be a great support for people who want to get rid of any addiction: smoking, drugs, medicines etc.
    If you want to help friends with serious health problems -who are looking seriously- for healing, then let them know about this medicine.


    It is good not only for sick people but for healthy ones as well. It strengthens the immune system enormously and so it prevents the onset of complaints.
    People who take this medicine avoid the usual winter diseases like flu.
    Because the immune systems gets stronger, viruses lose their power.
    I myself didn't get a flue since i started kambo treatments, two years ago, and my health condition is getting stronger and stronger, in a way i couldn't imagine before.
    My condition changed in a way that i can be naturally tired but i don't get exhausted any more. Kambo works both on a short and long time.
    Shortly after the treatment, you will feel cleaner right away.
    On the long term, the effect of the treatment will continue, even if you don’t notice it.
    Usually after 3 treatments, you will be more present and strong then usual.

    Practical info

    The day before the treatment take care of what you eat.
    Eat with mindfulness and moderation.
    I suggest you to have a light meal for dinner.
    Take care not to take food which contains chemical stuff which would poison your body.
    The process you will go through during the kambo session could be heavier. On the day of the treatment you should fast.
    It's advisable to drink at least 1,5 liter of water or tea before the treatment. That’s because the toxins have to get out of the body through vomiting or defecating.
    To get in tune with a new energy, we advise to start with a set of 3 sessions.
    You may allow your body to tell you when it is the right moment to get the following kambo treatment.
    We advise to spread 3 treatments in not longer then 6 months.
    Using this medicine everyone has its own reactions.
    The time for the healing is also different in every person.

  8. About Cesar

    I know Cesar since a couple of years. Cesar is not a shaman and he never pretends to be one. I find him myself a trustable and good friend, he is doing his work since 9 years with devotion and care. He learnt in Brazil how to use kambo by his Padrinho Fernando. During these years he made quite some experience in using this medicine on himself and others. His kambo treatments comes directly from the tradition of the katukina, a small population who lives in the Amazone forest where this medicine comes from. It seems they are the happiest, healthiest and most beautiful people of the Amazone. To heal from any disease and even to bring good luck they use only this medicine. They call it the vaccine of the forest. Cesar is one of the few persons who are giving kambo sessions in Europe. That's quite treasurable and therefore many people, like me, are grateful for his work. I think we are lucky that this medicine is now available in Europe. Only a few years ago we couldn't even imagine that such a powerful medicine exists. Kambo is like a a good doctor who doesn't make mistakes about the diagnosis of your disease and who's therapy fits perfectly with your needs.

    Spiritual aspects and good luck

    Kambo has a spiritual aspect.
    Some people call it the ‘psychedelic side of this medicine’.
    Since the very first session,
    after around 20 minutes you may enter a state of deep relaxation.
    No thought, just a strong and vivid experience of being.
    Someone shared he felt for the first time a deep joy of being alive.
    In a few cases it may happen
    -especially if you are used to it-
    that this medicine brings you soon to a kind of bliss.
    This bliss state may be accompanied by visions,
    but visions especially during the first treatments are not so usual.
    The katukina say that shamans may sometimes talk with the frog who is giving them instructions.
    The katukina are used to saying that kambo brings good luck in your life.
    This medicine helps people who have some difficulties in their lives (with work, relationships or health) and need to get in tune with a good stream of energy.
    I understand this better now that I’m doing kambo regularly.
    After the treatments it may happen something unexpected:
    you become magnetic to good things, a new job, incomes, a relationship etc.
    New possibilities may come to you.
    You can meet a guide animal. When the blockade is removed,
    the door is open.

  9. it is good your lying words were on the invitation: Clear Vision for Every One to See:

    not only are you lying, but you are stupid too!

    2009/7/29 gianni lattanzi

    the money i asked as donation was actually planned from Above for the tipi, exactly €.110, the rest €47 is the percentage for the farm.i was there yesterday but the other people who were supposed to help were not. How could we build up the Dome with 3 persons? Am i responsible for this or are you responsible to talk in a normal way with me ? Now i read you using a language without respect towards me after i heard already many complains. I miss appreciation for all the work and energy i put in this work. I want to inform you that for me a collaboration with you is over. I miss respect and appreciation. I think you should take more responsability about what you have to do, like picking the wood or talking in a respectfull way instead of complaining. It seems that 'you know everything' even about things like kambo where other people may have more experience then you. I would prefer not to receive any email from you for a while, unless you are able to write in a normal way to me. Im not going to read them anyway...

  10. Very interesting conversation. First you reas the invitation text and you think: gosh, what a freaking hippie-language in connection with aya and kambo...
    then you follow the comments and you wonder, why anyone would be dumb enough to share these private calculations in connection with the event... but here it is... and someone called Paul seems to be the Hippi with the moneyproblem and thinks 50 Euro for exotic frog poison is expensive...
    THE BEST: at the end he even publishes the insults he gave to Giovanni and thinks he's doing himself a favour.
    Again I am proved right: Hippies are frustrated, ignorant, poor and confused people, with aggressions and money issues!
    Thanks for sharing, how workshops are run on you "funny farm"

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About Me

My photo
Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Noord Holland, Netherlands
Been doing all sorts of art stuff for quite a while like studying to be an art teacher, but only worked as one for 3 months. Had a company called Arti Parti-Multi Medial Happy Happenings- for 5/6 years, but got so fed up with all the paperwork I decided to focus on doing things from the heart. Squatted Amstelrust and did 24h Open Sundays for four months with a big Belthane celebration as a Grand Finale. Then squatted 'de Sollenburg', a farm further along the Amstel river where we will soon be celebrating our 3 year anniversary of living off the Main Grid since Belthane 2006. It's a paradise, including Eden's apple trees. I find or get what I need, when I need it. Been specializing in geometrical constructions from bamboo and from that developped: the Power Flower (C) Working hard on manifesting a live size bamboo dome based on the Power Flower's infinite woven structure now. POWER FLOWER'S FIRST WORDS: IO SONO THE PARENT AND CHILD OF THE HOOP, AND THE STRAIGHT LINE. FOLLOW ME TO STARDOME, OBLIVION, AND BEYOND. I AM YOUWOMANITY...


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